Voluntary Notification
Any individual may notify the GCAA of any aviation occurrence in which he/she participated, or which he/she witnessed, or which he/she considers to be a potential threat to flight safety or a risk to the safe management of air traffic. To do this, users have the opportunity to contact the Agency through any available means of communication (telephone, email, social network) or fill out a voluntary reporting form below.
The Agency uses the information received through mandatory and voluntary reporting system only to raise the level of aviation security and takes all necessary measures to keep confidentiality of such information, which implies the assurance of the anonymity of the reporting person, except for the consent of such person and in cases provided by law. The Agency stores personal data of reporting persons in its database, in a de-identified form.

Mandatory Report
In accordance with the requirements set forth in the 17th Order of the Director of the Civil Aviation Agency of 5 February 2014 “On the Approval of the Rule of Notification of Aviation Accidents and Incidents”, which defines the mandatory reporting system, the Agency shall be provided with information on any aviation occurrence. A mandatory report must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 72 hours after the occurrence of an event.